What inspires you?
Inspiration has been defined as something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create. I’ve also heard inspiration broken down and said to be derived from the idea that it spawns from the indwelling spirit, or spirit within (in-spirit = inspiration). This belief would indicate that we are inspired by a higher power that lives within us all. These ideologies aren’t too farfetched, however, do you feel inspired?
Are you allowing the spirit within or everyday interactions/encounters move you to create? Any time you see the word inspiration, you will more than likely hear the word creativity. This one quotes says, “Creativity bleeds from the pen of inspiration.” Most of us are moved to create by a pull from within (inspiration). Are you allowing your creative pen to bleed? If not I encourage you to do so…
I have to decide to pick up my pen again. I’m allowing my words to find their way back to paper and letting them find a voice among all the madness going on in this world. Taking a moment for me to let my thoughts run free. We are all wired differently, and some are prone to living our lives creatively. One of the things we encourage our FlyGirls to do is express themselves and live out their individuality. However, sometimes the words we speak, often times we need to heed to them. Be inspired, be creative and most importantly allow the spirit to lead you to that space of creativity. I plan to do so…